More than just decoration: sprouts and micro leaves
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More than just decoration: sprouts and micro leaves
They’re a top seller in the USA and are considered a superfood: the very young, first tiny leaves of kale and broccoli, radish and cress, peas and lentils and a wide range of other types of vegetable.
The sprouts and micro leaves are not only tasty and very good for you; they’re also really simple to grow at home. Their big benefit is that they contain all the nutrients that plants need to develop, in concentrated form: minerals, vitamins, enzymes, proteins and secondary plant nutrients. And you can even grow them inexpensively at home: all you need are a few flowerpots, good soil, seeds and a well-lit spot on the windowsill, balcony or terrace. After just a few weeks, the tiny sprouts and leaves can be harvested and enjoyed in salads, smoothies or on curd cheese: crunchy and sweet peas, bitter and mustardy mizuna, spicy and herby kale and earthy red cabbage.